Important Message from the Principal


 September 2022

Dear Parent/Student,

Firstly I hope you all had a happy, healthy and enjoyable break despite the current circumstances. I also wish to take this opportunity on behalf of myself and my staff to wish you all well in your return to school and hopefully 2022/23 brings us more certainty, happiness and good fortune in comparison to the year we are leaving behind.

The years 2021/22 was a challenging one for everyone however I am extremely proud of the efforts made by the entire school community here in Ringsend. First of all we ensured the continuation of teaching, learning and assessment on a remote basis, in the midst of a pandemic we opened our school and delivered education in a safe student-focused environment. I can honestly tell you this was not an easy task however it was achieved due to the excellent attitudes, cooperation and determination from students and staff alike and as Principal I am very proud of the efforts that everyone made.

Some people often think that as Principal I receive information in advance of it being released in national media, however unfortunately this is not the case and my experience at present is that press releases and instructions to managers within the education system can change at the drop of a hat.

Support for students: Please email us at

School Meal Provision: As was the case during the previous lockdown we will continue to provide a lunch food parcel to each student during the school closures on a monthly basis but only on prior request from the student/parent. If you wish to receive a school lunch parcel for January we require the following information:

  • Student Name
  • Full Address
  • Eircode
  • Parent Phone No (Essential)

It is essential that we have Eircodes and contact numbers for all students wishing to avail in order to ensure delivery by An Post.  Please fill in the form that will be sent by text to each parent later on today. If for some reason you do not receive this text by 5pm today please contact us through our social media platforms providing the mobile number you wish to receive the text message on.

It is important that students remember the importance of getting exercise and down time from their screens also during these school closures. Keep following the public health advice, reduce contacts and stay at home unless completely necessary. That way we will all come out the right side of this pandemic and be back to school as we know it very shortly.

If you have any further questions or queries or require any further support from me or my team then please do not hesitate to contact us.

Wishing you all good health, happiness and positivity at this time.


Is Mise Le Meas:

Mr Jonathan Walker,



Principal / Príomhoide: Mr Jonathan Walker, Deputy Principal Ms. Sharon Kiely

CITY OF DUBLIN ETB Chief Executive Officer: Dr Christy Duffy