VTOS Courses – Computers & Business


VTOS means “Vocational Training Opportunities Scheme”.

VTOS gives unemployed adults the opportunity of returning to full-time education and remain in benefit. 


Applicants must be: 

  • aged 21 or over; 
  • unemployed for at least  six months; 
  • in receipt of social welfare benefits 

Coming back to education is a courageous step to take which, as we have experienced over the years, often proves to be the springboard to a new career or lifelong interest.


Take up the VTOS challenge and immediately the benefits to you are: 

  • getting back to education 
  • payments equal to your social welfare benefits 
  • lunch and travel allowances 
  • no fees 
  • free books

Click here for full brochure

Click on the links to find out more about these courses:

For further information on Returning to Education courses phone (01) 668 4498 or email us at furthereducation@ringsendcollege.ie.