We are delighted to announce that there is a new library in Ringsend College for Junior Cert students.
All first, second and third year students now have a library class once a week, where they can find a good book, read in peace and quiet, and improve their literacy skills.
The library is open before school and during lunchtime several times a week, so the students can come and study, select a new book, and do quizzes on the books they have read. All of these students must have a Book in their Bag at all times and they are expected to read at home each night. All students also have a login for the Sora app which they can use to access thousands of books on their iPads.
Once a year we are also delighted to welcome an author to come and do workshops with our students in the library as part of the JCSP “Writers in Residence” programme.
This is what the Library has to offer students at Ringsend College:
Here is an example of a Library event we held:
The library has already hosted several other events, including a Chess club, a Lego Lunch, Spooky Storytelling, Anime Club, Coding Club, Knitting and Crochet lunch etc.
The Lord Mayor of Dublin Brendan Carr officially opened the library in November 2016.
Watch the progress of the library’s creation on the school’s Facebook page.
See the latest news from the library on Twitter: https://twitter.com/RingsendC
Log in to Accelerated Reader or the school’s Digital Library here:

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