Please note that by clicking on the Post Primary Fee Payments Login button or it’s associated link you concede that you have read, understood and agree with our terms and conditions of payment.
For our terms and conditions of payments please click the button below or go to
- Click the button below or go to
- For your first time to login select the Create Account button.
- Enter your child’s first name, surname and PPS number and click next.
- You will be asked to enter an email and mobile number for further communication. (This email address will be used as your username) You must also create and confirm a password which will be used to log back into the system. You will then be asked to answer a recovery question. This will be used if you forget your password at any stage. Keep a secure record of these as you will use them to login on future occasions.
- Note that you can edit your child’s personal and contact details on the system. If you notice an error in your details please click on the edit button and update once corrections have been made. Please tick the box confirming your details are now correct and click the Confirm button.
- You will see at least two tabs in the payment screen depending on how many children you have attending Ringsend College. Choose the Family tab if you wish to pay a number of fees or choose your child’s name if you wish to make a payment against that individual.
- Choose the amount you wish to pay from the payment dropdown and click the Next button.
- Enter your credit card details as instructed on the screen and click on the Next button.
- You can print and/or save your receipt.

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